Texas is Open for Business

And our job market is proof of just that

Texas is open for business, and there are no signs of closing anytime soon.

In fact, business across The Lone Star State is BOOMING. According to the Texas Workforce Commission, Texas surpassed its all-time record for total jobs for the 14th consecutive month.

Thanks to the addition of more than 650,000 jobs last year, total jobs in Texas reached a new high of 13,705,500 by December’s end, making Texas the nation’s leader in job growth.

Texans are tough. Texans are industrious. And above all, Texans are trailblazers. Those of us lucky to call the great state of Texas home already know that. But now? Now the rest of the country knows it too.

“It is no surprise that Texas leads the nation for job creation, adding more jobs in 2022 and growing at a faster rate than any other state,” Governor Greg Abbott said. “Freed from the burden of over-taxation and the stranglehold of over-regulation, businesses continue to invest in Texas and in the best workforce in America.”

Let the state of Texas serve as a lesson for DC Democrats: When sound-minded leaders and legislators are coupled with pro-business policies, the economy flourishes, jobs are created and our communities are better off.

“Our skilled and growing workforce is a magnet for job creators,” Abbott said.  “I am proud that we’ve again hit a new historic high for total jobs, putting even more Texans on the path to prosperity.”