Speaker Phelan on the Texas Budget

A Texas for All

The 88th session of the Texas Legislature has been in full swing since lawmakers arrived in Austin on January 10th for the oath of office and speaker vote.

Shortly after, our elected officials got straight to work drafting budget proposals that will guide our state for the next two years.

In an op-ed written by Speaker Phelan he notes that “House Bill 1, puts the needs of Texans first by both capitalizing on our state’s once-in-a-generation revenue availability while also controlling spending in a conservative, constitutional way.”

Phelan notes how this budget was written to allocate significant funding toward initiatives that are crucial to Texans.

This includes $400 million for flood mitigation efforts at the Texas Water Development Board and $6 million has been set aside to support the construction of an outpatient mental health clinic at Southeast Baptist Hospital.

Phelan adds how the House proposed $15 billion be set aside for property tax relief after identifying that this is an issue with great significance to Texans. These funds, along with legislation aimed at reforming our home appraisal process, will start the conversation over how best to deliver relief to the taxpayer.

Texas lawmakers are focused on securing a future for our state, and have proposed an additional $36 billion to tackle the problems afflicting Texas schools. They are committed to making sure students have the curriculum and resources for high-quality education following the significant teacher shortage after the pandemic.

Speaker Phelan adds how the new budget also proposes “$4.6 billion for border security, which is more important than ever as opioid smuggling and human trafficking pour over our border while the federal government repeatedly fails to take ownership over doing its job.”

Additionally, the proposed bill will allocate $130.1 billion in general revenue spending for the next two fiscal years, focusing on crucial state issues such as improving infrastructure and strengthening workforce development.

The budget proposal from the Texas House is just the beginning of the discussions surrounding the state budget. “I know that my colleagues will deliberate and discuss the best ways forward,” Phelan said, “ultimately yielding the best possible product for Texas.”